Is school making you stressed? Here’s why courtyards should be replaced by greenhouses. The courtyards aren’t a sight to see, or a place you would be looking forward to going to but a greenhouse can be both of those things that can relieve your high school anxiety.
Just imagine a greenhouse, walking through everyday and seeing the process of the growing green, flowering plants, and just observing them. It really just would be a beautiful scenic view in school, you wouldn’t look at those empty courtyards and say, “It’s so beautiful!” Instead, you would say, “It looks so sad…” A sensation of plants in school can really change how we’re in a mood or our mental health overall.
There’s so many positive effects of having a greenhouse in school. The only negative is money but let’s move on forward to the benefits. Plants can help relieve our stress, mood, anxiety, and anything sad about our lives. But just take a walk in the greenhouse, get a big deep breath of that fresh plant air and boom, you didn’t know but you are already feeling better. Plants are known for cleaning that dirty musty air, including the air in the school that has that smelly food or a passing of a random person’s gas, but walking in the greenhouse can be a big game changer, that fresh plant air can alleviate our stress.
Plants can also be interesting, exciting, and good for you to just look and observe at them. You didn’t know but looking at them also alleviates stress. It’s been researched that even just posters or pictures of plants can reduce our stress.
Sadly, our courtyards don’t do any of those things for us or even anything for us to do, but at least we can see the outside world. If we replace those deceiving courtyards with beautiful green plants our lives can be better. I could picture myself walking along a path surrounded by flowers, exotic plants, maybe even a palm tree and it would just make me feel better. Indeed, a little bit of plants could be an answer to improving our experiences in school, less stress, beautiful sights, and more.