For the first time since COVID, the Manhattan High School band, choir and drama program students traveled to Orlando to perform at Disney World over Thanksgiving. This is the first time the three performing arts groups have made the trip together, so they took three buses full of kids on the Florida trip. For many students it was their first visit to Disney.
“We finished riding on the bus, and we went to Disney Springs, which is the free area of the parks where there are gift shops and restaurants,” senior John Kyle, drama student, said.
They took three buses full of kids to go to Florida. The MHS students arrived on a rainy Thursday evening and enjoyed some time at Disney Springs before calling it a night and going to their hotel.
“We were entirely poured on,” sophomore Virginia Flickinger, trumpet player, said.
The next morning everyone was tired but excited to enjoy the first park, Hollywood Studios. The MHS students spent the whole day at Hollywood Studios and settling into their new routines.
“Galaxy’s Edge was really fun because it had my favorite ride, ‘Rise of the Resistance,” Kyle said.
The next day they went to Animal Kingdom. Students toured the park, and the choir represented the school back at Disney Springs.
“The experience was really fun. We got to sing in front of people,” freshman James Savage, choir student, said. “It was really cool performing in Disney. We got a pin for that.”
After The choir finished performing they went back to Animal kingdom.
“At Animal Kingdom we went on ‘Everest’ and that ride was terrifying and fun at the same time,” Flickinger said.
The next park they went to was Epcot. The band had a workshop before they got to enjoy their time at Epcot.
“…Especially when our directors made animal noises.” Flickinger said. “My favorite was Japan. They had some really good pork ramen.”
The day was full of fun and rides. The final day of rides finally came to the last park, Magic Kingdom. The Magic Kingdom was not interrupted in any way; it was a full day of fun and relaxation after the hard work of the days before.
“The food was fantastic,” Flickinger said.
The MHS students then took two days to drive and finally arrive home. On the way back one of the buses broke down, causing a near four-hour delay. The group arrived around 3 a.m.
The entire trip gave students the experience of performing at the Disney Parks. They learned more about the entertainment business and how to efficiently be a part of one aspect of the tourism trade.
“I would love to do it again,” Savage said.