In the club’s first year of existence at Manhattan High, the HOSA chapter qualified seven health science students to attend the National competition through participation in the Spring Conference on April 15 at Kansas State University.
Qualifiers were sophomore Agnes Choi, who placed first in Antomage Event and second in Physical Therapy; sophomore Isabela Villoria, who took first in the Anatomage Event; junior Mian Zhao, who placed second in General Chemistry; junior Sama Nepal, who placed third in Pharmacology and third in General Chemistry; sophomore Raychel Deines for earning second in Medical Law and Ethics and third in Biomedical Debate; junior Raisa Hossain, who placed first in Job Seeking Skills and third in Cultural Disparities and Diversity in Health Care; sophomore Zac Morgan, who got third in Biomedical Debate; and freshman Eera Venkatesh-Prasad for placing first in Anatomage Event, top five in Anatomy and Physiology, and third in Biomedical Debate.
Also attending the contest were senior Lia Jimenez who got top five in Medical Terminology, and junior Salina Wang, who earned a Bronze medal in HOSA Stars.
“I am really happy with the results, especially since it was our first time. I was really proud that we had so many qualifications for nationals,” Hossain said. “In terms of what the competition there were multiple different formats of events so you could take a test, or you could do some sort of application event like CPR or Physical Therapy, for example. I did an interview very tailored to each area of healthcare so not only doctors but all kinds of it.”
HOSA will be traveling to Houston for the international conference June 26-29. They are working on fundraising and getting ready for those events to represent MHS.