Many sociologists over the years have said that everyone must contribute to society to make it work. But I’m here to say that the theory is wrong, you don’t really have to.
Not contributing to society will be consequences, like a reputation as a crazy loner or hermit, which is not the greatest reputation to have. But is that really something that you should be labeled as? In my opinion that should only be for someone violent.
There are plenty of normal people who just want to be left alone. But it’s stigmatized that people who aren’t active community members are selfish and paranoid. When they aren’t, they’re just antisocial. And furthermore the word antisocial also has a bad rap, too, because it goes back to that opinion that anyone who isn’t an active community member is selfish. That isn’t true they’re just self-oriented and have no reason to help people who mock and tease them.
But some people also claim that community is the most important thing in the world, when its not sure it helps. But a society run by a community can cause a mob mentality, which is dangerous.
People who isolate themselves from society don’t need help or are selfish, they’re just self-reliant. But there is also something that is the most egregious of stereotypes, which is that they won’t help you. That’s untrue, because if push comes to shove they will contribute for very large issues. So someone who prefers to be alone may not seem to contribute much, but when push comes to shove they might, meaning you can’t NOT contribute to society fully.
So I guess the sociologists were right.