Tribe wants more members to get involved with them and are now accepting applications from current juniors to be next year’s officers.
Tribe is open to any person who wants to participate and help influence the school’s spirit.
“When I was a freshman I really wanted to be part of the school and I always loved school spirit,” president Maragaret Corn, senior, said. “I always looked up to the older girls and I saw everyone having so much fun doing it, and thought I could be a part of it.”
Tribe membership can start freshman year, but officers are chosen from juniors who complete an application process.
“My favorite part of the application is making the poster,” Tribe Rep Mason Gish, junior, said. “It’s really creative and fun.”
Tribe is a fun and productive way to connect with others throughout school.
“Tribe is a really great way to get school spirit back in our school, and this year especially I felt like it really connected everybody with the pep rallies and all the football games,” Corn said.
Tribe brings good vibes and lightens the mood of everyone. It impacts the morale of the entire school by encouraging people in sports, organizing events and giving them the opportunity to make new friends.
“I really like what Tribe stands for. Our whole goal is to promote school spirit across our building and our student engagement,” treasurer Sossi Gallagher, senior, said. “When I was younger, seeing the school getting involved and everybody getting close together inspired me. I think that is really fun and important.”
Tribe helps members build confidence, learn leadership and get experience for college applications.
“Fake it till you make it” is Gallagher’s motto to build self-confidence.
“If you don’t have your confidence yet, just fake it because nobody will think otherwise, as long as you’re confident in what you say and how you do it,” she said. “People usually won’t know if you are scared or not so I just go out there and do it.”
Tribe officers are in class together, but there are also whole team meetings for all members about ideas and even organization.
“It takes a lot of organization and making sure we have everything that we need to have, especially in football season where we had to make five posters a day and have to stay late at school, but it was all worth it,” Corn said.
Through all of the hard work they grow through, they make a lot of fun memories.
“I think my best memory from Tribe was every football game and just setting up, because we always went early to Bishop Stadium and hung up all the posters, I just love everything,” Corn said. “But I also enjoyed the work week in late s