All Manhattan High School juniors, and juniors statewide took the ACT in late February. The testing date was far earlier than the usual March-end date. Snow days also posed a challenge to registration and getting information out to students and parents. However, our administration the testing was a success.
“The snow days impacted how quickly we could get information out to juniors, which was a bummer,” District Testing Coordinator Haleigh Jung said. “But everybody got the information in time and everyone took the test. So it went really well.”
As the school year winds down, the testing department is moving their focus to AP Testing. This year is especially novel, as it is the first time AP will employ digital sections of certain exams. Essays for AP Language and Literature, for example, will be hosted online. Jung anticipates these changes will actually make the process easier and more streamlined.
“I think with the online testing, it’s going to be a lot easier, because BlueBook (the online testing platform) is a really nice app that walks students through everything,” Jung said. “The directions are in there, and it’s easier for the people giving the tests. It’s also just less paper and less counting paper and score sheets.”
Some tests will be a hybrid, with some parts online and some parts on paper. These include AP Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and Statistics. Jung believes BlueBook will roll out some mock/practice tests as the exam dates near to help students adjust to the new format.
“I believe that there are some mock tests in BlueBook,” Jung said. “Where you can see what a test looks like and how it will kind of go, and they might push some more stuff out as the test gets closer.”
For students with questions about testing, accommodations, and alternate date requests, be sure to contact Jung at [email protected].