NHS hosts successful fashion show
March 30, 2015
Over 20 models lingered behind lush, velvety curtains at 7 p.m. Saturday. They had arrived at Manhattan High School six hours earlier to practice. As music blasted through speakers and lights illuminated the stage, the MCs took the stage and the models were in position to plunge into the second annual National Honors Society Fashion Show.
“[The fashion show] went so smoothly,” senior and NHS president Katie Bussmann said. “I was really proud of everybody who had a hand in it. Not only the models, but also everybody backstage, the techies, everybody who goes unseen…they really are the backbone of the show.”
NHS held its first fashion show last year and since then, the club has become known for this event.
“Munisa, who was a foreign exchange student last year, came into National Honors Society and did a fashion show and it made a lot of money. So we were like ‘hey, we want to get in on the money too,’” Bussmann said. “The fashion show is [also] a great way to reach out to the community and showcase what they have.”
The club has worked to organize and plan the show these past few months, working with multiple businesses from Dillard’s and Francesca’s Boutique to Weisners, Borck Brothers and Walmart.
“It was a lot of preparation with the businesses that provided the clothing, in constant communication with them, and talking and making committees inside of our group and making sure everyone was doing their part,” Bussmann said. “The communities that provided the clothing for us were very kind and generous and really helped us. The week before was really stressful. This year, we had spring break the week before so a lot of people were gone so we weren’t able to fully put everything together.”
Despite the stress, Bussmann had a lot of fun coordinating the fashion show and believes it is a great fundraiser.
Sophomore Isabelle Diller, model of dresses from Weisners, Dillard’s and Walmart, agrees.
“I thought it would be really fun to do it and they asked me to sign up so I was like ‘sure, why not’. It was really fun and I’m going to do it next year,” Diller said. “I think it’s cool that they do it so they can show what dresses you can buy and also the donations are nice.”
The money earned from ticket sales and donations will go towards scholarships for students and other charities.
“I think it’s a really good way to raise money, a really fun way,” junior and model Ethan Levin said.