How do students interact with cars?

Senior Benjamin Moberly: Hi! This is Benjamin Moberly from Manhattan High School, and today I’m here to talk to you about how our students interact with cars.

Senior Hunter Bagby: Going to work, going to school for the most part.

Moberly: We decided to ask some students about some of the problems they face while driving.

Bagby: It’s having to pay for gas, but i usually just get my parents to cover that too.

Senior Krista Dix: After first hour if you have an appointment or anything the lot is going to be full.

Moberly: We were curious to know How their parents felt about their driving.

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Dix: Every once in a while you have to look out just because people aren’t use to things, like in the parking lot you have to be careful when you’re backing out just to make sure someone behind you isnt backing out at the same time.

Bagby: My parents were a little bit nervous about me driving at first, and you know wouldn’t let me do as much stuff, but I think i’ve shown them that i can be responsible with it so they give me more freedom.

Moberly: This has been Benjamin Moberly from Manhattan High School, and Id like to thank you for taking the time to watch this presentation!