‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ features multiple enticing assets

Danielle Cook, Entertainment Editor

Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” proved to be an action-packed thriller that lived up to the expectation placed on it based on its predeceasing movie, “The Avengers.”

“Avengers: Age of Ultron” featured the familiar faces of the all-star cast from “The Avengers,” which helped keep the plot followable for the audience members who may have been unfamiliar with Marvel comics or the unique backstories of individual characters. The film was pleasing visually, with detailed graphics and special effects and an array of the colorful classic costume designs of each Avenger.

Strangely, before seeing “Age of Ultron,” I wasn’t quite as skeptical of this sequel as I have rightly been of superhero sequels in the past (let’s be real: what other superhero sequel has really been as spectacular as its prequel?), as I came across so much hype and excitement over it on the internet (mostly from who seemed to be hardcore Marvel fans).

While I do appreciate a good action movie, as someone who is a bigger fan of the romantic comedy or the romantic drama, I was thoroughly impressed by the fact that “Age of Ultron” seemed to include a variety genre content, from action to romance to comedy. The witty sense of humor featured in the film was original and refreshing and the half-expected elements of romance and signs of growing friendships between characters flecked throughout gave it emotional depth, which “The Avengers” lacked. This also provided the audience something enthralling to watch when The Avengers weren’t in the middle of a busy battle or high-speed chase. Also filling in quieter gaps between action scenes were revealing scenes containing interesting elements of character development that made up for the shortage thereof in the first film. And while I found the in-between scenes fascinating and satisfying as far as wrapping up previous character backstory mysteries, the scenes involving action were engaging and suspenseful.

The balance of action, humor and both charming and fierce characters, brought to life by a highly witty and energetic cast made the Avengers’ second time around on the big screen incredibly endearing.