Green House sells plants
Cora Astin, Photographer
May 11, 2015
Greenhouse Teacher Cindi Nivert directs the attention of a customer towards a particular plant that she feel that her customer would benfit from having. The proceeds from the Pots of Petals Mother’s Day Plant sale put on by the Greenhouse goes back to the Greenhouse class so they can buy the supplies needed to run the Greenhouse. The supplies that they buy include seeds or bulbs, soil and pots. The class is designed to be a layed back enviroment where students can work with hands on and experience science in a new way.
Paraeducator Oscar Lensales Rosas talks to a potenial customer during the Pots of Petals Mother’s Day Plant sale put on by the Greenhouse.
Senior Michael Jorden waits to escort the school nusre Robyn Smith back to her class room with her plant that were prushaed at the plant sale, Pots of Petals, put on by Greenhouse. Greehouse is a class designed for students within the special eduaction department to be able to have a hands on curriculum for their science class. “I like it [the Greenhouse] because you get one with nature. [You] get close to pretty much what people are surroding themselves with and a place where you can be yourself.” said Jorden
Greenhouse Teacher Cindi Nivert directs the attention of a customer towards a particular plant that she feel that her customer would benfit from having. The proceeds from the Pots of Petals Mother’s Day Plant sale put on by the Greenhouse goes back to the Greenhouse class so they can buy the supplies needed to run the Greenhouse. The supplies that they buy include seeds or bulbs, soil and pots. The class is designed to be a layed back enviroment where students can work with hands on and experience science in a new way.
Paraeducator Oscar Lensales Rosas talks to a potenial customer during the Pots of Petals Mother’s Day Plant sale put on by the Greenhouse.