Stop categorizing people

Ale Flores, Staff Writer

Jock, nerd, emo and punk are just a few examples of the many stereotypes that high schools all around the world have. Stereotypes, according to, are when you judge a group of people who are different from you based on your own and/or others’ opinions and/or encounters. Sometimes we judge people without even realizing it. We categorize people because of the way that they act or dress. The truth is we are all humans. Nobody’s better than anyone else.

Lately in my American literature class, we’ve been talking about how stereotypes are used and how they can affect people badly. We read a short story, called “The Outcasts of Poker Flat,” that talks about a group of people being vanished from a little town just because of the bad reputation they had. Far off in the story we realize how most of these people are actually good people with feelings, boundaries and honor. The people that lived in the town and banished them didn’t realize that the only thing they believed was their bad reputation.

That made me realize that I have stereotyped people. I have judged someone based on what other people thought or said about them. I’ve judged people and so has everyone else.

If we gave ourselves the chance to judge someone until we have really met them, talk to them and know who they really are, we actually would get along better with everyone. Maybe things would change and everyone would feel like they fit.

In the aforementioned story, most of the characters were misjudged, but not all of them. One of them was actually a thief, and the people in the town were right about him. So, I’m not saying “give a chance to everyone because everyone is awesome.”

What I am saying is take a risk and give people the benefit of the doubt. Realize that there are so many wonderful people at school and any other place you go. They might be exactly what you think, but they could also be the whole opposite of what you think. Don’t miss out on those people. I think we should start taking risks and talk to that girl or guy that you are just sure you don’t have anything in common with. Who knows, life might surprise you. You could find your best friend.