Students see what College Fair has to offer
Senior Alejandro Martinez talks with the Kansas State University College representative Landon Leiker about appling to K-State during the College Fair, on Monday October 12.
October 12, 2015
Monday, a frenzy of seniors and juniors attended the College Fair at Manhattan High, an event where students get the opportunity to explore different colleges in Kansas by talking to various college representatives. Some attended for the mere purpose of seeing what different options were available while others, like senior Sarah Stewart, who already got accepted into several colleges, were looking for more specific aspects, like military aid.
“Well, I’m already accepted into K-State and I am looking for more military help right now,” Stewart said.
In fact, Stewart wasn’t the only one who had got accepted into a college or major university. Many seniors, including Shelby Barron, have already got accepted into several colleges and are now faced with the decision of choosing where they want to go. For Barron, the determining factor for which college she goes to depends on the amount of scholarship money they offer her.
“[I’m] definitely [considering] Bethel because I got accepted there and then Benedictine [and] KU.Those are the ones I’m considering that are in Kansas because of the scholarships that you can get from those from [going to an] in-state college,” Barron said.
A goal for a large majority of the students was to learn about the different colleges and what they had to offer.
“[I want to] gain more knowledge of what the different colleges have for me and what they provide for what I need,” Stewart said.
Barron agreed and liked the fact that there was a wide variety of colleges at the fair.
However, for junior Brittini Webb, going to the College Fair had a whole new meaning.
“Well, like nobody in my family has gone to college except for one person and that’s my older sister so I want to be, like, the second in my family to go to college,” Webb said. My dad never finished school so [it’s important for me to] prove something to him.”
Webb, unlike the seniors, was just browsing the different colleges and didn’t have any particular schools in mind yet.
“I haven’t looked through all the information yet but I’m hoping to gain like a couple colleges that I actually want to go to and that I actually want to attend,” Webb said.