From Milan to Manhattan: Facchetti travels to the States
October 26, 2015
The American Field Society gives teenagers from across the globe the chance to experience what life is like in the United States. This program is what gave senior Noemi Facchetti the chance to come to Manhattan High from her home in Italy. Coming here promises some excitement for Facchetti during her year long stay.
“I’m excited about the life here because I learn something new,” Facchetti said. “One my dreams is to see Colorado. A lot of people told me that it’s really nice place. I don’t know. I’m excited for the rest of the year and new, more, people.”
There are also the surprises that the country and our high school hold.
“What surprised me is all the big things and big space. That’s a lot of stereotypic,” Facchetti said. “The high school is not just football and cheerleader. Then there is a mix of society made by a lot of culture.”
The cultures of two countries can be different at times, but that is not always a bad thing.
“It’s different because it’s a new, newer, it’s youngest, younger than the European one,” Facchetti said. “It is more open to change. I like that all the people can be their self and there is not judge. I think that is really nice and it’s really different. It is not better or worse.”
Being far from home and in a new country brings feelings of homesickness and some difficulties to Facchetti.
“I miss a bit my family, but I feel very well in my family now, my host family. I feel part of them. I miss more of my friends,” she said. “It is not a sad a missing … the most difficult thing is that you are alone. Not bad things but, I don’t know. I live in my country all my life with all my friends and my family. In life here, you must begin again. It’s not easy but, a challenge that I like.”