Photo gallery: ‘Guys and Dolls’ backstage preparation
Savannah Cherms, Entertainment Editor
November 10, 2015
Junior Cody Bell assists junior Isaac Sorell with his hair before a dress rehersal for “Guys and Dolls.” Bell is a member of the hair and makeup crew for this years fall musical, helping members of the cast as fast as he can while working in the stressful environment.
Senior Emma Galitzer is fitted for her wig for her character, Adelaid. Galitzer has one of the main roles in “Guys and Dolls” but said she has been handling it well.
Sophomore Maiesha Hossain helps sophomore Sam Clarks get stage-ready before a “Guys and Dolls” dress rehersal. Hossain is a member of the hair and makeup crew and cycles through many of the cast members, making sure they are ready to be on stage.
Sophomore Kaitlyn Ring applys mascara to sophomore Wyatt Ballman before a “Guys and Dolls” dress rehersal. Ring is a member of the hair and makeup crew, and helps get members of the cast stage ready.
Sophomore Gloria Gantt checks her makeup in one of the large mirrors before a “Guys and Dolls” dress rehersal. Gantt is a member of the cast, but still comes in early to help the other cat members with their hair and makeup.
Freshman Henry Shinstock and sophomore Faolan Banco practice their lines together in the commons before a dress rehersal for “Guys and Dolls.” The two dedicated boys showed up three hours before call time to reherse their lines together with some friends.
Sophomore Claire Todd curls sophomore Emma Lansdowne’s hair before a “Guys and Dolls” dress rehersal. Todd is a member of the hair and makeup crew andalso a member of the cast.