Teens seek to make the library more popular
November 23, 2015
The Manhattan Public Library has a wide assortment of groups that seek to bring more community involvement to the library itself. One of these groups is known as the Teen Library Advisory Board, and their goal is to bring more teenage involvement in the library’s activities.
Members get the chance to be the first to read new young adult novels and make a major difference in the community. TLAB meets on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Friends meeting room. TLAB has a large group of Manhattan High students working to get other teens more aware of what goes on in the community and in the library.
“We try to get people interested in going and doing things at the library,” sophomore Christina Price said.
TLAB’s opinions have weight in almost everything the library does. A majority of the people who frequent the library are children and young adults, so it makes sense that a board composed of hard working, and involved teenagers is needed in order to truly make changes that will benefit the community and the library as a whole.
“If we get a new space or if we are decorating that space, they get a say in that too.,” TLAB advisor Rachael Schmidtlein said. “Book displays, programs especially. This year we are trying to get a selection that reflects what local teenagers want, and do more programming that people actually want to do instead of just what we think we are supposed to do.”
A great thing about TLAB is that there is no need to be committed at all if you have many preoccupations that take up your time.
“Its pretty open, there is no commitment if you don’t want to,” Schmidtlein said.
Those needing volunteer hours for school, Key Club or looking to be in National Honors Society should be especially interested in TLAB at the start of second semester.
“Starting at the beginning of next semester we will be offering volunteer hours if you come to TLAB,” Schmidtlein said. “Meetings are thirty minutes long. If you need volunteer hours for school, it would be a good thing to come to.”
TLAB seems to be determined to make a difference in the community and we will hopefully see more involvement and awesome programs out of Manhattan Public Library.