Photo gallery: Club feast

Angie Moss, Trending Editor

  • Sophomores Lily Colburn and Christina Price enjoy a game of “Apples to Apples” during Club Feast. Both attended the feast for StuCo. Colburn was the head of the event.

  • Seniors Emma Devane, Bryan Armbrust and Brandon Religa take in everything happening during club feast. Devane attended for Business Professionals of America. Religa and Armbrust attended for Key club.

  • Sophomores Neeley Joyce, Ella Bahr, Joy Gruenbacher and junior Elora Root compete against each other in a game of “Apples to Apples” with other students at the 2015 Club Feast.

  • Seniors Mackenzie Gwinner, Maddie Taylor and Corbin Sedlacek attend the 2015 Club Feast as members of Student Council.

  • Juniors Mikela Robinson, Temetris Johnson and Blake Meis gather around a table during the 2015 Club Feast to play “Apples to Apples” while eating food brought by the clubs that attended.

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