Gun nuts no more than petty terrorists

David Fliter, Staff Writer

Once again the country’s attention has been forcefully turned to the idiotic circumstances a group of people leaning to the right on the political spectrum have gotten themselves into.

Malheur National Park and Refuge in Oregon is currently occupied by anti-government militants led by brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy.

Their father, Cliven Bundy, has been feuding with the government since 1993 and in early 2015 led an armed response against Federal agents trying to kick him off of federal land he was having his cattle graze on. The occupiers in Oregon are convinced that they are standing against government tyranny while, at the same time, striking fear into the common people they claim to be defending. They have stressed that they will “kill and be killed.”

This is a blatant terror campaign; the hypocrisy of these men and women is unbelievable.

The recent gun control jurisdictions that require there to be background checks before someone is allowed to buy a firearm are completely justified by the idiotic actions of conservative gun fanatics. I am a liberal, but I also enjoy guns and other weapons. Others that enjoy guns recreationally like me will not be able to enjoy a hobby because of the irresponsibility of those who think they are called to defend a country that does not need a militia; it is not the government’s fault that we need background checks for guns.

America’s bloodthirsty, brainwashed ‘militia’ forces are no better than the bloodthirsty, brainwashed terrorist forces that we have fought for a decade. There is no protection of our country or people in these people’s agendas.