AFS hosts Chinese exchange students
January 27, 2016
On Monday, AFS introduced six students and two teachers from China to Manhattan High. The group will be here for two full weeks to experience what school in the United States is like.
“This school is big,” exchange student Yuqi Wang, Kiki, said. “and the classes is more free than my school.”
The students are each paired with two MHS students who will be their mentors throughout the school day.
“They are going to basically shadow one of the MHS students around,” junior Angelica Lang said. “They’ll go with them to all their classes and just see what American school systems are like.”
While here, the exchange students can participate in a number of school events as well as going to activities outside of school.
“When we did this last time we had multiple activities lined up with that,” AFS sponsor Tony Wichmann said, “We pretty much left it up to the host families. The only thing we have formally organized was a basketball game over at Kansas State University. So, we do have tickets for them to be able to go that basketball game. There is Mr.MHS that night. Coming up in the future is Sub Deb so they’re trying to get in those activities.”
The students and teachers will observe their last day here on Feb 5.