Alumni center hosts annual SubDeb dance

Elizabeth Underwood, Features Editor

Although the dancing scene is not everybody’s ideal place of fun, it was still an important night to Manhattan High students this past Saturday at the annual SubDeb dance.

Students from sophomore up to senior year, students were permitted to attend the dance at the Kansas State University Alumni Center.

“The location was amazing actually,” sophomore Meganne Morrand said. “The decorating [was] really [good].”

Despite the good that students saw and the fun they had, there was still room for improvement.

“Maybe have a better, kind of DJ guy, and more variety of songs and more slow songs,” junior Saubhagya Shrestha said.

Although the dance showed a lack in music diversity and taste, students enjoyed asking friends and dates to join them.

“It was pretty good,” Shrestha said. “It started out a little slow but then people started getting used to the dancing and after a while it was pretty fun.”

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