Bisexuality legitimate
March 1, 2016
While the LGBT community has become more universally accepted, there are still many prejudices that members of the community face. The one I can relate to the closest is the erasure of bisexuals and bisexuality.
There is this thought that bisexuals are either confused about their sexuality and inevitably will pick one sexuality or that bisexuals are just selfish and want to have sex and have relationships with anyone and everyone. These stereotypes and stigmas are some of many reasons why bisexuals stay in the closet and live in fear their whole lives. Bisexuality is a totally valid sexuality and deserves respect.
For a long time I thought I was strictly only into dating and having relationships with girls. I had never been attracted to boys until recently when I met my current boyfriend. When I told people and re-came out as bisexual, a lot of people asked me if I was just confused all along when I thought I was into girls. Several times I heard “I knew it was just a phase; I knew you would come around.” I didn’t come around to anything, and no, I was not confused. A large portion of bisexuals hear these things.
The idea that as a bisexual I’m just wasting time and eventually I will “choose” to either be straight or gay is ridiculous. Have we not spent years now trying to get rid of the idea that you choose to be gay? So why is it still widely acceptable that a bisexual must chose one or the other?
I also was asked if I was suddenly straight now because I was interested in men and am in a relationship with a man. I am still bisexual, no matter the gender of my significant other. If I was in a relationship with a woman, I would not be a lesbian; I would still be bisexual. My sexuality does not change depending on who I am in a relationship with.
The other terrible stereotype surrounding bisexuals is that we aren’t monogamous, and that bisexuals are just looking to have sex with everyone and anyone. Not only is this stereotype disgusting, it is incorrect. This stereotype also leads to problems in the LGBT community. People, be they straight or gay, won’t date bisexuals because “we might cheat on them.”
My bisexuality has nothing to do with my ability to be faithful. I want to love and be in a healthy relationship just like everyone else. That’s what all of this comes down to in the end. My bisexuality has nothing to do with anything other than who I want to pursue romantically or sexually.
Stacey Chaffin • Mar 2, 2016 at 9:02 pm
Well said!