March 8 Artist of the Week: Lydia Parrish
March 9, 2016
How were you introduced to the Arts:
Honestly because I didn’t have anything to do at home, because my mom was always gone I just drew and kept drawing. I was always just interested in dresses and hair and just like drawing and then I finally improved. Parks and rec… they have a poetry class and I took poetry classes all the way from second to fourth grade and just kept taking it. in the end because I took it so such they didn’t’ have me go along with anyone else and then I started taking drawing and painting from there and then jewly and then I took a break in middle school. I got back into painting, for like class wise, sophomore year I took one class. Then finally I’m in the AP class this year
How many school plays have you done?
Crucible… I was in the seventh and eighth grade ones. Last year I was in Leaving Ihoa, and I’ve also been in the MHS musicals my freshman, junior and senior year. I took a break my sophomore year to do backstage work.
How would you describe your experience as an actress?
The only ‘real’ acting I did was, like, last year I had three roles for Leaving Ioha and it was really fun. Memorization wise, it was really hard, just repetition helps with memorization.
Music memorization is the same thing as doing lines and memorizing
What Instrument do you play?
Cello. I’ve been playing the cello for six years now.
Why Cello?
I actually started out with violin fifth grade. And seventh grade I met Mr. McClendon and he’s like talking about like ‘ yeah we can switch instruments… I need cellos’ and I was like, ‘I’ll switch.’ Since then I’ve been stuck with the cello and I love it so much, more than the violin.
Are you in choir?
I’m in chamber choir. I just got into chamber this year. Previously I was in beltechi choir.
It’s a really good standard I like being challenged. Being with people who like to step up to that challenge, who take the class seriously. Because I want to continue on, and it’s hard to continue on when you’re surrounded.