Abernathy takes pride in crosswalk duties

Anna Hupp, Staff Writer

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Kim Abernathy stands on the sidewalk of Anderson Avenue on weekday mornings and afternoons, radiating happiness. The Lee Elementary crossing guard waves to passing cars, talks to parents and guardians and helps skittish first graders cross the street. As they scamper off to class, she says, “Have a great day at school, OK?” While she works, Abernathy constantly smiles.

“I worked for 30 years at another business here in Manhattan and they downsized, so I had to leave,” Abernathy said.

After a year, Abernathy decided she wanted to be productive and interact with children in her free time.

“I enjoy children so much and I wanted to do something where I was working with kids,” Abernathy said. “This [position] came up, and when I first started in I was a little, you know, ‘Oh, I don’t know about this.’ But then as I went on I just enjoyed it so much, and I continue to enjoy it.”

Abernathy’s constant smile is a conscious choice.

“Even at my job I was at for 30 years I always had a smile because I think it’s so important,” Abernathy said. “Maybe someone’s not having a good morning.”

Abernathy also smiles because she takes pleasure in her work and feels grateful for the opportunity to do it.  

“The weather isn’t always that great,” she said. “But I don’t mind it because I enjoy my job so much — it’s brought a lot of good joy to me. I’ve met so many kind people; I really have. And people are so appreciative of what I’m doing and that just makes me feel good. But I do it just because I want to, you know. I just love being out here, seeing people and being around the kids. They crack me up because they’re just so funny; they’re just the funniest things and I enjoy that so much. But, to be honest, I’ve been blessed to have this job, so I just really do my best to do good work.”

Abernathy has been a crossing guard for five years, and has previously won the school district’s employee of the year award. Over the years, passers-by have commented on Abernathy’s dedication and smile.

“I have had people that stop and come up and tell me about how much they appreciate what I’m doing,” Abernathy said. “Sometimes it’s like, I appreciate that, I really do, but I just do it, and I think ‘well, I do it because I love it.’ I have a lot of people who will just stop on their way by or something and tell me that they enjoy my smile, and it makes their morning, stuff like that. It’s just a nice feeling to know people appreciate … what you’re doing.”