Disclaimer: This story is purely satirical, in honor of April Fool’s Day on April 1. It is not meant to be taken at face value.
Grey sweatpants, a black hoodie and white Nikes. These are the clothing choices that got junior Matthew Ross sent home last week. According to Ross’s math teacher, the junior’s attire was deemed inappropriate and resulted in other students being distracted.
“He said that my sweatpants were distracting the girls in the class,” Ross said. “I don’t really understand how; my legs aren’t sexual objects.”
Students reacted quickly to what is being described as “an injustice.”
“I just don’t get how sweatpants are distracting,” junior Caleb Garver said. “The teacher was being overdramatic.”
Other students however, are siding with the teachers, and saying he had good reason to send Ross home.
“He was just trying to get the girls’ attention,” senior Olivia Gomez said. “He thinks he’s going to be able to impress all the girls in the class by dressing in a way that just isn’t school appropriate.”
One teacher said that Ross and the boys who dress like him needed to learn self respect, and think about how they were being perceived by others when wearing sweatpants and other provocative dress.
Ross has spent the days following his removal from class advocating for a change in the dress code.
“We’re just trying to get the school to see us as people, not as objects,” Ross said. “It’s incredibly sexist; I’m here to learn just like the girls. It’s not a problem of me being distracting; it’s a problem of administration looking at us in an inappropriate way.”
Despite the outrage and attention the suspension has received, administrators have decided to make any changes to their dress code policy, saying that it is not a major concern at the moment, despite the reaction.