Anime Club, GSA make bags for community service project
April 4, 2016
Anime Club and GSA are collaborating to make buddy bags as their community service with items for women at the Manhattan Emergency Shelter.
“Basically we are basically taking donations with the most essential things,” junior Erin Heller, president of Anime Club, said. “Hair bands, tissues, hand sanitizer — the very practical stuff just to make them feel more in home.”
Members of the Anime Club are very happy to be participating in this kind of activity, even though the process has been hard. People were not giving as much things as they expected, which is why the club expanded the deadline for giving things until this Friday.
“Put this in perspective, my family gave half the stuff that we have donated and we have four things,” junior Jordan Lutz said. “To be honest I think one of the problems is that we are the Anime Club, and we don’t really get so much support.”
Anime Club members were hoping this community service project would help jump start a better reputation for this school. Even though the event didn’t turn out as expected, people who helped were happy to have been involved with it.
“I really feel like we are going to make a difference in the lives of many people, even if it is a smaller group than if we did something for the entire city,” junior and Anime Club vice president Faithlynn Hoofard said. “Regardless of the size of the group we are helping, support is support no matter how you look at it, and the fact that we have the chance to do just that is quite heartwarming.”