Minimize PDA
April 4, 2016
One of the most awkward things I see on a daily basis is a couple all but making out a foot from Mr. Ted Dawdy. But even if my stats teacher wasn’t standing right there trying to ignore them, blatant shows of affection like that are overall uncomfortable to those around the offending couple.
As someone who often displays her affection to others, I know that there’s a time and place for everything. For example, I enjoy hugs as much as the next person, but that doesn’t mean locking hips in the meantime; no one wants to see that. A swift kiss to a lover in parting can be deemed okay in some instances. But every single time you part for class? That’s a bit much; I mean, as high schoolers, do you really not see each other outside of school enough that an “I’ll miss you” smooch is warranted between every class? Then there are the couples that administrators constantly ask to separate, only for them to go back to sitting on each other as soon as they turn their back. Seriously. Keep that to when you’re in private and can go as far with it as everyone can see you’d like to.
Now, I’m definitely not saying to avoid expressing affection to your significant other. I totally get that physical intimacy is a way to build relationships and trust, but it’s called intimacy for a reason: it’s intimate, i.e., between a small group of people — not the whole school.
So next time you and your lover feel the need to all but get it on in public, do everyone a favor and minimize the public affection to handholding and brief hugs. Anything more is beyond uncomfortable for everyone else.