What the Confederates really stood for
April 12, 2016
- The South was fighting for independence from the United States after the election of Abraham Lincoln.
- They opposed a high tariff, because the benefits would only be for the North.
- The Confederates wanted a low tariff or nontariff since they exported cotton.
- They also believed that each state should have its own sovereignty, the freedom to make its own decisions. The Confederates commonly stood for less power in the government and more power within the individual states.
- Slavery was a pro for the sovereignty policy, although not all southern states were for slavery.
- Attempted to establish a new nation where there would be minimal governmental power throughout all facets of government.
- They opposed having the government pay for railroad systems, canals and lighthouses.
- The Confederacy Constitution was almost identical to the United States original with only slight tweaks of the issues that lead to them wanting to secede.
- In that Constitution, they wanted each state to be able to provide and create their own armies.