Modified block schedule proposal passed unanimously
April 25, 2016
Last Wednesday, the Board of Education president Marcia Rozell called for the rest of the Board members to vote and after a proposal from principal Greg Hoyt, it was unanimously decided that Manhattan High will be converting to a modified block schedule next school year.
The schedule is changing from being seven 51 minute class periods and one 40 minute lunch period to being that one Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, but will change on Wednesdays and Thursdays to being four 95 minute class periods, a 35 minute lunch period and an advisory session.
“The benefit in my opinion is the teachers had direct input in the decision,” Rozell said. “These professionals understand that advisory time with a smaller group of students is important and they figured out a schedule that could make that happen. I’m sure it will be a bit of an adjustment but I’m confident everyone has students’ needs as a correct priority.”
MHS students are still handling the shock that comes with change, but some see the benefits that could come from the change.
“I’m on the fence about it right now,” junior Camille Fellers said. “I think it will be for the greater good, but it’ll be hard to want to adjust for my senior year. I think it will be really beneficial to music and art classes, but lecture classes will be interesting to watch unfold. It’s like Shrodinger’s cat.”