KSPA State Photo Submission: Makenna Eilert
Makenna Eilert, Staff Photographer
May 2, 2016
Emma Galitzer (Left) and Sydney Morrison (Right) practice some Renaissance dance moves before the music starts.
Laura Donnelly teaches students how to do simple dance steps before showing them more intricate moves in the Renaissance dancing portion of Shakesfest.
In concluding Shakesfest, Laura Donnelly speaks with the students about Rennaisance dancing and the importance of it in history.
Anna Alanazi and Ben Turnley have fun participating in the Renaissance danceing circle during Shakesfest.
Trinity Price (Left) and Talitha Peverill (Right) enjoy learning different Renaissance dances at Shakesfest.
Local dance instructor Laura Donnelly demonstrates how to do a particular dance move with Jana Kellogg during the Renaissance dancing event at Shakesfest.