KSPA State Photo Submission: Makenna Eilert

Makenna Eilert, Staff Photographer

  • Emma Galitzer (Left) and Sydney Morrison (Right) practice some Renaissance dance moves before the music starts.

  • Laura Donnelly teaches students how to do simple dance steps before showing them more intricate moves in the Renaissance dancing portion of Shakesfest.

  • In concluding Shakesfest, Laura Donnelly speaks with the students about Rennaisance dancing and the importance of it in history.

  • Anna Alanazi and Ben Turnley have fun participating in the Renaissance danceing circle during Shakesfest.

  • Trinity Price (Left) and Talitha Peverill (Right) enjoy learning different Renaissance dances at Shakesfest.

  • Local dance instructor Laura Donnelly demonstrates how to do a particular dance move with Jana Kellogg during the Renaissance dancing event at Shakesfest.

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