Showcase Concert prepares choirs for final concert
May 16, 2016
With only a week left of school, the end of this year’s choirs career is coming to a close. Before the big final concert of the year, the groups take the stage for their Showcase concert.
“Showcase is a big pumped up concert for the jazz band where the band shows all their pieces,” sophomore Trenton Lopez said. “Then Pops and Varsity are thrown in there for good measure.”
At the concert, Varsity Choir performed a multitude of pieces from their library this year, including pop songs and a jazz piece.
“[Chad] Pape purposefully gave us a harder piece this time around, but we still did well,” Lopez said.
“I think [the concert] went really well. It was super fun,” senior Charlie Harris said. “It wasn’t nearly as emotional as the final concert will be though.”
Despite the significance of the final concert of the year, the Showcase concert is held at a higher standard than the final concert.
“For Varsity choir this was it,” Lopez said. “We threw everything we had at that performance. Now we have to top it.”
The final concert of the year is a big moment for choir members as well as alumni. After all individual choirs have performed, every choir member and all alumni in the audience take to the risers and perform a song together.
“All the seniors are excited to graduate but it’s definitely going to be sad because choir has become another family for us over the last four years.” Harris said. “It will be tough.”