Freshmen Party aims to join both campuses

Lily Colburn, Business Manager

Though just one mile apart from each other, the Manhattan High School campuses can tend to feel like two different worlds to students, teachers and administration. The “Freshmen Party at the Park” hopes to merge these worlds by bringing clubs and booths staffed by upper classmen to this freshmen-only event.

“We created this to help the freshmen feel more a part of the high school and welcome them to both campuses,” said activities director and assistant principal Marvin Rupe.

The party has been in the works since last spring when auto shop teacher Doug Muller wanted to plan a Future Farmers of America and Skills USA softball game. Through discussions with administration and other teachers the event has morphed into something for all clubs to take part in to help welcome and include the incoming freshman class.

This year the event is only open to freshmen, but if the event goes well it is not out of the picture for the event to expand to the entire student body.

“This time it may be 400 kids versus 1,800 kids,” Muller said. “We are trying to get into a smaller scale to see if we can work out all of the kinks and then maybe we can maybe put it up for the whole school,”

Rupe wants the intent of the event to stay clear even if it grows, “This event is for the freshmen,” Rupe Said. We want them to feel a part of school.”

The Freshmen Party at the Park will be held 5 to 8:30 on Friday, August 19. The event is free and there will be booths and games sponsored by MHS clubs including softball, flag football and yard games. Food for the event is donated by Hy-Vee and Smithfield Foods.