Anime club takes off
September 12, 2016
Aug. 29, C107 was overflowing with 40 members– nearly triple last year’s membership– when Anime Club had their first meetup of the year.
During this meeting, senior club president Erin Heller and senior vice president Faithlynn Hoofard, along with other officers, kicked off the new club year by going over the club rules, along with the club goals of this year.
This year, they hope to repeat their success from last year and visit an anime convention hosted in Kansas City, well known as Naka-kon, which is where anime nerds alike come together to dress up, roleplay, buy merchandise and socialize.
“I hope we make a lot of money and we all get to go to Naka-kon,” Heller said.
In order to goto Naka-kon, the club plans to do many fundraisers. Anime Club will be putting up their ]coffee sales once again this year to raise the money as well as T-shirt sales.
While Naka-kon sounds glamorous and fun, this is not the club’s only goal.
“We want to help out the school, help out the community, and kind of show the world that anime is not a bad thing,” Hoofard said. “It’s about being unique and weird: it’s a good thing that everyone needs to embrace.”