Video introduces junior’s slam poetry

Taylor Bullock, Staff Writer

Social media is becoming the root to discovery of all types. Nowadays, it seems as though everyone has at least one sort of social media app on their phone. Within those apps are what seem to be infinite amounts of videos. The talent you’ll find in these is incredible. But, the people and their stories behind them are far more intriguing.


In the past week many students may have came across a video posted by junior Addy Stone.The video includes her reciting a slam poetry piece she wrote titled “I Am The Water That Hates Rain”. With 128 retweets and 438 likes, the school is definitely buzzing about it.

“I kind of knew people would favor it, but I didn’t know people would like it that much,” Stone said.


This isn’t the first time she’s shared her work online. If you scroll down her Twitter timeline you may just run into another one of her her many pieces, such as a piece she has titled “She Was,” a poem full of the pain endured when loving someone. Not only does she write poetry, but short stories as well.

“I want to write a book and I’m always going to write,” Stone said.

With only beginning to write her sophomore year, she does have big plans and expectations for her writing. Stone hopes to perform some of her pieces live in the future.

Those who have seen the Twitter video last week were left wondering if the heart-wrenching and emotional piece is fact or fiction. In fact, “I Am The Water That Hates Rain” is based on true events of her life.

“What I posted on Twitter, that’s true. It was hard to post because it’s personal,” Stone said.