Are they clean?

Alli Bruce, Blue M Photo Editor

Since the start of school, a large amount of students have been sent home due to sickness. Nobody knows for certain what the sudden cause of this illness is; however, National Honor Society is doing their best to prevent students from getting sick. They have made colorful posters and placed them all around the school reminding us to wash our hands.

“The posters are to educate students on how to best keep themselves healthy in times of sickness, like we have just experienced.” school nurse Robin Smith said.

With flu season just around the corner, it is expected for some kids to get sick and be sent home. However, the number of students that have been sent home already is unusually high, even for flu season. NHS wanted to contribute by showing us what we can do to ensure that less people will have to be sent home. Germs spread when you touch things, so making sure people have clean hands is super important.

Our hands touch so many things throughout the day. Even simple things like touching your face can make you sick if your hands aren’t clean. With the unknown virus still floating around the school, NHS wants to make sure that we are doing our part too keep it from spreading.