Taking the Pledge
October 30, 2016
Last week, Students Against Destructive Decisions had their annual Red Ribbon week. The purpose of this week was to inform students about the consequences that come from making destructive decisions. They started the week with the Red Ribbon Pledge, where students from East and West campus received full sized candy bars if they signed and took the pledge.
SADD president Mary Jane Benjamin feels that this was their most successful day.
“It got the most people involved, people asked the most questions, and it was just a fun day for everyone,” she said.
Wednesday was the seat belt check.
“We checked the cars coming into the senior and junior lots to see if they had their seat belts on. If they did they received a smartie,if not, they got a dumb dumb. Just a subtle message,” Benjamin said.

Friday was their last event. Members from SADD went down to Eisenhower Middle School and set up activities in the gym for the students to come and learn while they were having their school dance.
“The kids were very involved. We did a cake walk of sorts where they had to answer a question to get a prize, but they asked many other questions as to why we were there, and I feel like we got the message of red ribbon week out, and it was just a fun day for the kids and us,” Benjamin said.
Benjamin felts that this year’s event was better than last year.
“More people asked questions about Red Ribbon Week and seemed to think about a lot of their actions. The club has been more popular this year, and the message of red ribbon week has been getting spread around more. Also people really liked the stickers,” she said. “We really did enjoy this week.”