Senior Timeline
October 30, 2016
You may have received the extended list during Advisory Period, but here are the most important dates and deadlines, with a little extra detail on what each one really means.
- Senior pictures are due Dec. 16. Email them to [email protected].
- Senior Graduation Meeting and Graduate Speaker Selection is April 19 in Rezac Auditorium. It will last about an hour during Advisory Period.
- Senior Distinguished Service Hours are due April 21 in the counseling office. Obviously, service hours are optional, but many students still aim for that little gold cord.
- Graduation Check-Out form, a single sheet that ascertains students are passing classes and don’t owe the school any money, is due May 18.
- Graduation Rehearsal is May 19 at Bramlage Coliseum, and it’s kind of a big deal. Seniors will run through most of the ceremony, from everyone entering through the tunnel to a few walking across stage. It’s planned to last roughly an hour and a half, and it’s followed by the senior brunch.
- Graduation is May 21. “It’s awesome,” senior principal Marvin Rupe said. “It’s what everybody’s working for.”