Kazar brings new method of working math

Lauren Race, Blue M Photo Editor

When it comes down to it, math can be difficult and hard to remember how to do certain areas of math. Math teacher Jason Kazar is the founder and creator of the method called “Watertank Math.”

“[Watertank Math uses] the operations of a toilet to help students visualize adding and subtracting,” Kazar said.

For example, in a problem with a positive number subtracted by a negative number, this is where the method is used to make it easier for students to have fun solving problems with integers.

“The water level in the toilet represents where zero is at,” Kazar said. “Students have come up with an idea of the inside of the toilet bowl which looks like a zero, which makes it easier of students to remember.”

The whole idea of Watertank math doesn’t just involve the students in Kazar’s class; it’s for all people who struggle with integers.

“Kids of all ages can relate to this because it’s one of the first things kids learn to do when you’re young is that they get potty trained. Kazar said If we can relate that to math it involves with all ages K-12,”.

Kazar originally started forming his idea back in 2010 and from then until now he has been using it in the classroom. Kazar didn’t just create a method for math, he also helped create an, app, launched in early 2016, so that students can actually see what the method looks like.

Senior Nolan Blankenau, Todd Bryant helped Kazar with the app development, Junior Luann Jung and Isaiah Glymour created the website for watertank math. Students have responded to Kazar’s math method with great positivity.
“It’s a good visual for the problems,” sophomore Alli Bruce said.