Modern feminism has gone too far
November 7, 2016
Today’s fight for women’s equality is on the frontline of many different equality movements, and perhaps the one that affects the a large portion of the population — approximately half.
For so long, this movement has taken tiny steps with few major leaps put in between long periods of without advances. The fight has only recently moved to its next stage of accomplishing its one and only goal: female equality with all men.
Yet while searching for the right ways to accomplish such a rough goal among many of the stubborn men of today’s society, the movement has created a new goal for women to fight for — creating a higher status for women than men. This new goal consists of absurd ways of getting the main point across and has caused a misinterpretation of the overall focus.
By no means have I ever opposed the idea of female equality. In fact, I will always be among one of the first men to agree that women deserve an equal place in all of society with men. But I have begun to oppose the “feminist” movement entirely.
First, I would like to propose what I have developed as the definitions for female equality and feminism. I believe that female equality is allowing and encouraging women to have equal opportunities as men in all places in society. But I see feminism as an over exaggerated fight with other goals and ideas that has put a negative connotation with the notion of female equality.
Feminism today has gone too far, as it has now created a force that is destructive to its own cause. Across the fight, there are insane cases of women who go dramatically out of their way to insult men, even if that man’s belief is in the same as her own. She will do so just because he is a man. Feminism in some cases has created a new discriminatory force of women to men.
In a society that fights for so many groups to be equal, how is this supposed to move us forward? I understand that in order to get the point across in an effective way there has to be a forceful introduction to the idea. But fighting for it in ways that ruin the base of the goal in the first place would never allow for forward movement.
In order to create a more successful movement, women need to take a step back and realize their strengths individually and use them to their advantage. Women need to outsmart and outdo men in order to show the more stubborn side of society that they deserve every opportunity that men have. That way they can force men to take a step back and re-think how society is structured.
The feminist movement deep within has many of the right intentions and room for good change. However, the current tactics that many use to fight this relentless battle need to be re-thought and evaluated. Taking the first opportunity is almost never the best shot, but rather take the time to create an effective rather than destructive way to fight.
Brett Roes • Dec 3, 2016 at 7:26 pm
It’s incredibly ironic that this article is a man telling women how they’re getting their fight for equality wrong.
This is a prime example of why we need feminists.
Preston, I do want to say thank you for writing the article, though. I appreciate the fact that you’re willing to say publicly that you’re for equality between men and women. I would suggest, though, that before you tell women they’ve “gone too far,” you take a closer look at the places where perhaps men and women *aren’t* actually equal–even if you once thought they were.
Mario Rodgers • Jun 26, 2017 at 8:55 am
Equality is equal opportunity. Not “I am this and that demographic. Pay attention to me and cater to my needs.” Feminists are in a constant state of playing the victim, even as they make more and more strides to areas that were previously locked off to them. They are also contradictory, claiming feminism is about equality and not man hate even as most feminist articles are written from the stand point that the de facto stance of the male is that of the predator until proven otherwise, or at the very least the source of everything wrong with the world in both the large scale sense and within the microcosm of the woman’s life. If there are ways in which men and women aren’t equal, it is often in areas where men lose out, such as in gender double standards or in social viewpoints and laws enacted to take away benefit of the doubt from the man, both in civil life and family life.
womengonecrazy • Aug 23, 2017 at 12:51 pm
Feminism in india sucks, at workplaces , yong women tend to look at us with hatred eventhough we dont even know her! We should rename feminisn to equalism perhaps for the sake of equality at least in the word!