What is going on at Standing Rock?
December 5, 2016
At this point everyone has probably heard or seen the news about the North Dakota Access Pipeline, or DAPL. You’ve probably seen images of protesters, videos of police officials firing water cannons or heard of some of the injuries that have come from this protest that has been going on for almost three months now. So just what is DAPL?
The Dakota Access Pipeline is an oil pipeline that is in the works of being built, and will span from North Dakota, near the Canadian border, through South Dakota and Iowa, to Patoka, Illinois. The pipeline will make its way through the Missouri river, and that is where the problem lies. Environmentalists and Tribe members alike fear that should there be a leak or spill coming from this massive pipeline, the oil would destroy any clean drinking water.
Many native tribes are protesting because the construction required for the pipeline would disturb sacred grounds and break long standing treaties.
As protests continue to flare up, a handful of big name celebrities have been out at Standing Rock showing their support. “Divergent” star Shailene Woodley even served a short jail time for “trespassing on construction areas.” Protests are expected to last for several more months, despite the upcoming winter.