We’ve all heard about the study that proves listening to certain genres of music helps you study better. Be it classical or heavy metal, it is proven that music will increase the efficiency of your studying. Here are 10 songs to help you study better.
“Blindsided” by Bon Iver — A nice and soft elemental song to start you off on your studying endeavours. Bon Iver’s voice combined with the simplistic guitar tones are sure to help you relax and remember to take a few deep breaths before diving head first into your studies.
“Naked as we Came” by Iron and Wine — Another acoustic song, but this one is much more upbeat. This one is good to listen to when studying for that one class you don’t hate. “Naked as We Came” is sure to help boost your happiness in this stressful time.
“Home” by Gabrielle Alpin — A light-hearted acoustic song, Gabrielle Alpin’s silky vocals will help you flow through those endless study guides.
“Make a Plan to Love Me” by Bright Eyes — A different take on this playlist, “Make a Plan To Love Me” is definitely a song that makes you feel like you’re floating, while the swelling violins combined with strong vocals are great for maintaining focus. The song itself makes you want to be productive.
“Dreams” by Passionpit — While it is nothing compared to the original, Passionpit’s cover of “Dreams” is a fun one that will make you smile. While you might feel like you’re drowning in papers and homework and projects, listen to this song and you will immediately feel yourself finding the light at the end of the paper tunnel.
“Sink or Swim” by Lewis Watson — While less upbeat than Passionpit of Bright Eyes, Lewis Watson’s strong and raspy voice is a pleasant compliment to the ambiance of that library you’ve been holed up in for the past week.
“Fallingforyou” by The 1975 — While The 1975 isn’t normally a band you study to, Fallingforyou is definitely one that will float in the background of your mind while you push through those final study guides.
“Hey Now” by London Grammar — A soft and almost strange song, London Grammar offers a gentle sound that again will remind you to take a step back for a moment and take deep breaths.
“Warm on a Cold Night” by HONNE — Amongst the multitude of acoustic songs that fill this playlist, “Warm On A Cold Night” is a song with a relaxed beat that is good for studying or partying. Just make sure you study to it first, then party.
“Heartbeats” by José González — To close out the playlist, “Heartbeats” is a soft and light-hearted song that will give you a sense of accomplishment. Picture this song playing as you turn in that award-winning essay, or throw down those last minute extra credit tissues and remind yourself that you survived another week of finals.