What stress does to a student’s mind and body

Taylor Bullock, Staff Writer

From struggling to balance academics, extracurricular activities and managing free time, a student’s stress level is guaranteed to rise. When you’re a kid being tossed into an adult world, being forced to pick and choose what you want to care about, everything can become stressful. But what exactly does stress do to a student’s mind and body?


  • According to apa.org, stress can cause the body’s muscles to tense up, which is the body’s way of guarding against injuries and pain. This can be bad for student athletes when playing in practice or a game.
  • The same article stated that stress can also cause a person to breathe harder. This may seem like no big deal to those with healthy lungs, but for people with asthma or other lung and breathing defects, it can make getting oxygen difficult. (Also may lead to hyperventilation,which leads to panic attacks.)
  • Found also on the previous site, stress can increase the body’s heart rate. This makes the heart have stronger contractions, leading to high blood pressure.


  • Nimh.nih.gov claims depression can be a result of stress caused from rapid changes. In high school change is inevitable. From your school, your classes and even your friends, change will be continuous throughout your high school experience.
  • According to Youramazingbrain.org, stress releases cortisol, which can damage and kill cells in the hippocampus.This can also lead to brain aging.
  • The same cite states that adrenal glands release adrenaline, which increases sugar in the blood. This can raise blood pressure leads to other issues.

Stress is one of those things that can be minimized but can’t completely disappear. But, there are many ways to bring down the body’s stress level. Try to meditate or do breathing exercises. It may sound tacky, but it works. Tune in with your body and get to know yourself and what works. If simple de-stressors don’t work, reach out and get help. High school is a long wacky-wavy ride so slow down and breathe. The mind and body will show its thanks in the long run.