Athlete of the Week: Bryce Easton
April 14, 2017
When an athlete is playing well, there is a tendency to become overconfident. Sometimes, that can cost them the match. However, for senior tennis player Bryce Easton, that wasn’t the case.
“I think did well at most parts in the matches, but I think at some points I did get overly confident,” Easton said. “I gave up a 7-2 lead to finish only winning 8-6, so I gave up four points in a row.”
Easton would go on to win all three of his matches at the Washburn Rural Quad, leading Manhattan to a first-place finish.
Even with the win, Easton knows there are things that he can do to help the rest of the team.
“I think one thing we can do is practice hitting off of power,” Easton said, “which we are doing by using speeds nine and ten on the ball machine. Personally, I feel the more I hit with the each player the more used they will be to match play.”