MHS: A home away from home

Most students would rather stay at home than go to school, however many create homes away from home at school as an attempt to be comfortable. Many unique students at Manhattan High have joined clubs, have hangout spots, play sports or participate in other extracurricular activities to ease the struggle.

One group that stands out around the school is the athletes. Wandering around the halls at Manhattan High you will likely see groups of football players joking around together or basketball players talking about the NBA.

“I think just by being open to people and being willing to try new things,” junior Nate Awbrey said. “If you get out of your shell, then the uncomfortable feels more comfortable and having that group of friends and that sport you love really makes it easy to feel comfortable.”

Athletes all cope with the stress of school by playing the sport of their choice.

One of the hot spots at MHS is the choir room. Many students feel accepted there.

“It’s a place where diversity is very accepted, where opinions matter a lot and having different opinions is okay and you can be very open minded,” senior Meg Mankin said. “I get asked a lot of questions that are deep thoughts instead of surface level things that I feel like happen a lot in high school.”

Manhattan High is blessed with teachers that care for and believe in their students. Caring teachers work to make the school comfortable for all its students, working with them to ease the stress of homework.

“All the teachers are friendly,” junior Chris Becker said. “Any of their classrooms would be a good fit for anybody. You get to go hands-on and learn, you get help all around, and it’s a friendly environment.”

With friendly teachers, a great environment and students of all interests, Manhattan High is just one of the schools that makes students feel comfortable, like a home away from home.










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