Freshman StuCo prepares for dance
May 15, 2017
The annual freshman end-of-the-year dance is happening at the freshman center. The freshman Student Council met last week to prepare for the dance, which is 8:30-10 p.m. on Friday. Tickets will be sold for $5 during lunch this week at East campus.
Of course with every dance, there is a theme and color scheme. The colors are blue, purple and black and the main theme for this dance is “A Night To Remember.”
Sometimes we think that the setup for dances just magically appears but it takes a lot of work to set these dances up.
“We are trying to keep it very low budget so a lot of it’s donations or recycling things and stuff like that,” freshman StuCo representative Meredith Comas said.
To get food and items for the dance, the Student Council had to ask around for donations and help.
“We just talked to them we asked parents that we knew and if they could do it or if other parents could do it,” Comas said.
Dances take time to set up, and the freshman StuCo will be in charge of that also.
“We’re going after school we have decorations and we will put table cloths over the tables,” freshman Collin Devane said.
To get the dance set up they have to run ideas through some people.
“We have to run everything through [Shirley] Potter and [Dave] Holloway, and [Greg] Hoyt approves everything at the end after [Holloway],” Comas said.
“We have a dance committee who is taking care of decorations and the food and the setup and it’s a celebration of the end of the year,” Potter, freshman class sponsor, said.
Not only is it a reward for the students, but it’s also a reward for the StuCo members.
“Everybody sees what you do, you are kind of proud that you set up the dance rather than everybody else and not someone made it for you,” Devane said.