BPA heads off to the world of Disney
Business Professionals of America members at Manhattan High compete in a national competition in Orlando, Florida.
May 15, 2017
It has been an eventful year for the Manhattan High School Business Professionals of America team as they have have recently gone to nationals and qualified for finals just this last Wednesday through Saturday.
Approximately 8,000 students from around the nation put on their seat belt for a trip to Orlando. The competition was one day or two depending on how well the participant did, giving enough time for the students to head off to Walt Disney World during their trip.
The MHS Financial Analyst team was given a financial record of a company and their prompt was to find out if the company should or should not expand, based on their financial record. With that knowledge, the team then had to create a presentation and then present in front of a group of judges. After they presented, the judges decided if they should move on to finals. The MHS BPA team moved into finals and got in the top 10.
Students who are interested in going into BPA next year or sometime in the future can take any business or computer class to help your understanding in the business world.
“I would say they should definitely do [BPA] no matter if they are into business or anything else. There are so many things you can do and it’s a lot of fun,” senior Lauren Casper said.
The team did have their struggles throughout year, one of which have to find time for everyone to meet up and practice do to the majority of the club out for sports.Even with this obstacle, the Finanical analyst team managed to make it to finals at nationals.
“Don’t be afraid to do something just because it’s challenging, go out and branch out because the more you challenge yourself the better you’re going to be overall as a person and business is going to enhance your knowledge of material,” senior Carter Perkins said. “So why not try something cool and go out and try to meet new people, and try to go do something that will look good on resumes and give you more confidence going into your professional life.”