MHS reaches out, welcomes newcomers

Leah Beyer, Staff Writer

Senior year is hard, there’s no doubt about that. In addition to challenging classes, standardized tests, and applying for college, it’s expected to be the year where you figure out what on Earth you want to do with the rest of your life. It’s a year of intense pressure and high expectations. Now imagine moving halfway across the country right before the final chapter of your high school career. Been there. Done that.

Before school started, my plan was to coast through my senior year, graduate and move on with my life. I didn’t feel the need to be invested because I knew I was only here for a year before I was onwards towards college. What I wasn’t prepared for was the welcoming and inclusive environment that the staff and students of Manhattan High School cultivate.

One of the first interactions I had with the staff of MHS was on the day I made my schedule over the summer. Each and every person that I met was genuinely interested to know where I came from and what I was most excited or nervous about for the school year.

No one says it better than Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This could not be a truer reflection of my interactions with the people of MHS. In 20 years, I may not remember all of the specific encounters here but I will remember the school that welcomed me with open arms and helped me be as successful as I could during my senior year.

However, even with all of the help and kindness at MHS, there are still some intimidating aspects of being new. These include getting used to a new building, finding somewhere to sit at lunch and acknowledging the fact that you may have to sit alone in some classes.

One specific thing MHS does that can be helpful to new students on the first day is the absence of a lunch hour. This allows for new students to meet friends and at least become somewhat familiar with their surroundings before being thrown into what can be a chaotic lunchroom.

Some other difficult things to navigate that are specific to this school are the hybrid schedule and less-than-ideal parking situation. Coming from a school where there was only one giant student parking lot, it was hard for me to figure out exactly where I was able to park and make sure I got there early enough so I didn’t have to scramble for parking in the zoo lot or elsewhere. In addition to this, the schedule, with it’s changing lunches and block days, can be confusing when just starting. If I’m honest, I still can’t figure out exactly when the bells between classes ring.

Moving to a new school always involves putting yourself out there and there are definitely some bumps along the way. However, when there are kind faces there to help you out and give you a push in the right direction, no mountain seems too intimidating. Keep doing what you’re doing MHS, because it can truly make a difference in someone’s life.