StuCo stands proud with their unique officer lineup

Elizabeth Alexander, Trending Editor

Every school requires its group of representatives to speak on behalf of the students, and this year the student body’s voice is that of a woman.

For the first time in several years, the Manhattan High Student Council’s officer positions are all taken by women. Seniors Lily Colburn as president, Neely Joyce as vice president, Victoria Bedros as secretary and junior Olivia Belin as treasurer have stepped up to the plate to speak on the behalf of the student body for the 2017-2018 school year. Only two weeks into the school year and the entirety of StuCo has already cleared some events off of their agenda.

“We helped put together Freshman Party on the Hill, we got Tribe together, we already had our StuCo retreat, and we got to meet with the school board,” Joyce said. “We’ve also met outside of StuCo meetings to discuss our desired goals and possible ideas.”

While the officers are aware of this unique situation that StuCo hasn’t experience for years, they do not think this will affect how their organization functions in the slightest. If anything, they are incredibly happy with their lineup and think optimistically.

“This year is going to be so exciting,” Bedros said. “[StuCo is] thinking of some small but fun events to make the school environment more fun and entertaining for everyone.”

Like any other organization Manhattan High has to offer, StuCo has goals. While each year their ambitions have their own little theme and differentiate, they all have very similar focal points.

“I think if I could put our goal into one word, it would be ‘interactive,’” Bedros said. “We want to be interactive with the students, the teachers and the administration. We want people to know that we care about them and we want to work together, to work as one.”

In order for StuCo to function however, they need students to speak up. StuCo officers and representatives are wanting to hear the student body’s opinions and thoughts on certain topics and events in order to improve the school environment. Those who are a part of StuCo always will have their ears open. Their main goal will always revolve around bringing students together.

“We have lots of goals,” Joyce said. “I think one of our main goals… is the see a better connection between StuCo and the student body. [StuCo has] been apart from other clubs and people for a while, but this year we hope to change that.”