SADD starts year
September 11, 2017
Students Against Destructive Decisions kicked off its year with its first meeting yesterday. SADD is where students get involved with making good choices, such as not texting or driving, drinking/ doing drugs while driving, or just overall making good decisions. The meetings are usually once a month, in the commons of West Campus.
“We try and promote better ideas than doing drugs, or alcohol poisoning,” junior Gwendolyn Comas, Student Council rep, said.
This year SADD is going to host the Spring Fling, and will also provide laser tag, and a cake walk. They will have a seat belt check sometime during red ribbon week, which will start Oct. 23. During that, they’ll be checking if students have their seatbelt on and giving out candy.
This week is Suicide Prevention Week, so they’ll pass out inspirational buttons at lunch on Wednesday at East Campus and Friday at West. They have also been raising money for Hurricane Harvey relief at football games.
“It’s fun to get involved,” junior Emily Deeds, co-president, said. “You could end up being an officer next year, and helping out other people.”
The first meeting they had Richard Pitts from Wonder Workshop, the children’s museum in Manhattan. He talked about all the mentoring programs that they provide here in Manhattan that students could be a part of.
“It’s good to get involved. It’s a great time to hang out with your friends, and it’ll look great on college applications,” Cami Wells, co-president, said. “Plus, you get to help your community,” Wells said.
SADD members will get the chance to also be apart of the mayors parade in december and inform the community of SADD and what they do.