A Bright Future for Rezac
September 19, 2017
Rezac Auditorium gives actors and actresses a place to shine. Now, Rezac while be the one shining as next year, Manhattan High will be undertaking the big project of renovating Rezac.
The improvements to the auditorium include replacing the stage floor, adding a dual door entry, installing a projection system, and a couple other small projects. These improvements are very much welcomed and anticipated by clubs such as Thespians, who rely on Rezac for their craft.
“Thespians are enthusiastic about the renovations in Rezac. Our theatre was ready for these updates” said senior Anna Washburn, “technicians are excited to manipulate the systems with more ease.”
While the idea is great, many have been wondering where the money will come from for such a large project. To fund the renovations, MHS will conduct a fundraiser campaign, which hopes to raise $150,000. Leading the way is The Goldstein Community Foundation, which has donated $100,000. To raise the remaining $50,000, MHS will begin fundraising in March of 2018. The hope is that the money can be raised in time so that the renovations can begin as soon as the school year comes to a close. The renovations are something that Rezac has needed for a while and the funds will hopefully be acquired in time for the auditorium to be ready for the next school year.
“We’ve been needing the renovation for a long time and are incredibly excited to update our sound and lighting systems,” Claire Todd, senior, said. “It’ll drastically improve the quality of our shows and make tech jobs a lot easier.”
Along with students, president of the Manhattan Ogden Public Schools Foundation, Jim Morrison, is also looking forward to the renovations, stating in a press release
“Rezac Auditorium is a central part of the school experience for students, teachers, staff, and the community,” Morrison said, “It is key to many important events at Manhattan High School, from the fall musical to the spring awards night and from teacher training to student testing. It is a showcase for our school and we are pleased to help invest in this renovation project.”
Recently the MOPSF Board has announced its commitment to increase its work with the community, beginning with Rezac Auditorium.
Along with these renovations, the Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools Foundation has donated $150,000 to improve the audio system and the stage lighting, which has already undergone some work in 2017. The Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools Foundation is an independent non-profit organization that works with the school district to aid the staff with improving the school experience for children within the district. The foundation accepts donations from individuals within the community, businesses and organizations.
Superintendent Dr. Marvin Wade stated in a press release that The Manhattan – Ogden Public Schools Foundation has funded many projects that have benefitted students and staff alike and will continue to do so. With plans being made and funding beginning in March the school and participating organizations are looking forward to the new and improved Rezac.