Red ribbon week is here
October 30, 2017
Red Ribbon Week means it’s time to start getting serious and proactive for our community.
Students Against Destructive Decisions hosted Red Ribbon week, which is a week-long pledge for students all across America to stay drug free and make safe and healthy choices.
“The best part is watching all the people being happy,” SADD Student Council representative Gwendolyn Comas, junior, said. “I mean, watching all the people smile and laugh after they sign the poster pledging to make good choices and get a piece of candy it’s awesome.”
Monday, SADD was at East Campus, to have the freshmen sign a poster and play a game called ‘‘junk in your trunk’’ where you tie a tissue box around your waist and try to shake out ping pong balls. Along with that, they had students guessing how much candy was in three jars full of candy-corn, M&Ms and gummy eyeballs. Tuesday, SADD did the same at West Campus.
Wednesday, they were outside the school, stopping cars as they were entering the parking lot, giving out Smarties if the driver had a seatbelt on or a Dum-Dum if they didn’t. Officer Randy Pushee was out there with them, helping ease traffic along.
“I really love the seatbelt checks. Smarties are one of my favorite candies, and it just made my day,” senior Kenzie Davis said.
Thursday they went to Anthony Middle School, talking to the middle schoolers about what SADD is and what Red Ribbon Week meant.
Friday, SADD was at Eisenhower Middle School for their Red Ribbon Week dance and talked about the same things they talked about at AMS.
“The response from the students has been amazing,” co-president Cami Wells, junior said. “I’m really happy that everyone likes our message and wants to partake in it.”