WaRu tournament learning experience for forensics team
February 6, 2018
It was another busy week for the Manhattan High forensics team as they took on the Washburn Rural High School Forensics Tournament. They achieved several successes, including freshman Eadon Marstall, sophomore Trinity Brockman and senior Lily Colburn reaching qualifications for state. In order to qualify for state in individual events, competitors must place in the top two, which can be difficult when there are many people taking part in one event.
“I’m definitely relieved now that I’m qualified in each of my events,” Colburn said. “It takes some of the pressure off of the season.”
The team never stops trying to improve in their tournament events.
“I was pretty proud of my [informative event],” Marstall said. “But I could definitely work on my impromptu more.”
Marstall placed second in the Junior Varsity Domestic Extemp category, which resulted in her qualification for state.
Being a part of the forensics team takes a lot of time and effort, but team members enjoy the competitive aspect of the activity, as well as the bonds they get to make with others, even if they are from different schools.
“Meeting all the other kids from other schools is the best part, and being around other people with the same interest as you,” sophomore Tanya Singh said.
Behind every successful team is a devoted coach. Team members constantly attest to coach Kristal Kleiner’s dedication and hard work as she prepares the forensics team for their weekly tournaments.
“The MHS class, it’s honestly so lively and Kleiner is an amazing teacher,” Singh said. “She’s so talented and great at what she does.”
While their teacher prepares them for the competition and skill-based elements of the competition, students have to do a great deal of mental preparation themselves to be ready for the pressure tournaments bring with them.
“I’d just like to say that I’m really proud of everyone that has gone to a tournament,” Marstall said. “It takes a lot to be able to talk in front of people, especially competitively.”
The season has barely begun, with the WaRu tournament being the forensics team’s second tournament of 2018, but team members are already looking forward to the months ahead.
“Everyone’s been doing really well,” Marstall said. “I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season goes.”